Eland:Tragalaphus oryx

The Eland is the largest most ox like antelope in Africa, and is one of the most adaptable and can be found in most habitats ranging from subdesert, acacia, savanna, miombo woodland, flood plains and mountains, however avoids desert and dense forest. This diverse range of habitat is reflected in the varied diet of the eland which consists mainly of browse, including fruits, pods seeds herbs, tubers and grasses.  Although the eland is less adapted to desert habitats than other oryx species it can go indefinitely
with out water and studies show it can raise it body temperature by as much as 7 C to avoid sacrificing essential fluids to evaporative cooling. This species also forms the largest herds of most bovid's but this can vary depending on habitat and season. Eland are gregarious, non territorial and nomadic, and a single calf  is born during the late season and early rains. It is not unusual for herd to contain more calves and juveniles than adults.

Eland can be found in most parks in Africa with high concentrations in the Serengeti plains where herds of up to 500 can be encountered. In Southern Africa it is not un common to find domesticated Eland on some of the game ranches, and in areas where they are habituated to humans like Mana pools they are easy to approach and photograph.